Managing your money better: Lessons to learn from FIFA World Cup 2022

Managing your money better: Lessons to learn from FIFA World Cup 2022


Managing your money better: Lessons to learn from FIFA World Cup 2022

Managing your money better: Lessons to learn from FIFA World Cup 2022

Over the last four weeks, cricket seems to have been displaced from our collective mindspace by another sporting event, arguably the biggest of them all, the FIFA Football World Cup 2022. This once-in-four-years event converts existing casual football followers into aficionados, as well as creates football lovers where there were none, while, of course, football fanatics become self-styled experts.
In a way, if one were to look at the football calendar through the lens of the market-cycle, this is boom-time. After all, this is what happens in rising bull markets, right? The experienced beam the "we always knew it" look, the more recent investors think they have unearthed a magic mantra, and the newbies jump onto this runaway train in hordes. Interestingly, the parallels don't end here.

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